The Little Acorns team consists of dedicated staff made up of Managers, Montessori Directresses, Nursery Nurses, Nursery Nurse Assistants, and Trainees, – with all staff holding, or working towards, qualifications appropriate to their position.
Their qualification ranges from Early Years Teacher Degree in Childcare and Education (Level 6), Qualified Teachers Status (QTS), Foundation Degree L 4 or Level 5. Montessori Teacher’s qualification and NVQ/BTEC Level 2/3 in Childcare and Education. The staff members hold Paediatrics First Aid, Safeguarding, Health and Safety and Food Hygiene Certificates.
Our teachers know and honour each child’s individual potential and work to create an environment that inspires children to develop inner discipline, self-assurance, and a love of learning. The classroom is prepared by the teacher to encourage independence, freedom within limits, and a sense of order. The child through individual choice makes use of what the environment offers to develop himself, interacting with the teacher when support and/or guidance is needed.
The School operates on a keyperson system, where each child is given a keyworker who is responsible for planning, guiding and facilitating their learning. The keyworker will take responsibility for liaising with parents regarding the child’s development and progress and building a positive relationship with the parents and the child.
At the end of each term, the staff team and parents will discuss each child’s development. Although key workers plan and records, the entire staff works with all of the children on a daily basis. Our children are used to a variety of members of staff working in the school, and build very good relationships with them, a skill for life!
Staff to child ratio in our school are planned in accordance with Government guidelines and are always increased when children are taken out on trips out of the school environment.
Nido-1 Adult to 3 Babies
Infant Community- 1 Adult to 4 Children
Children's House - 1 Adult to 8 Children