We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. We believe that every child deserves the best start to life and the EYFS principles provide each child with the potential to excel. Our environment encourages 'child-led' learning, allowing your child to learn through play and explore their environment.
The national EYFS framework explains how and what children will be learning to support their healthy development and provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.
The EYFS specifies requirements for learning and development and for safeguarding children and promoting their welfare.
Children learn skills, acquire new knowledge and demonstrate their understanding through seven areas of learning and development. These are:
· Communication and language
· Physical development; and
· Personal, social and emotional development
These prime areas are those essential for a child’s healthy development and future learning. As children develop, the prime areas support them to develop skills in a further four specific areas. These are:
· Literacy
· Mathematics
· Understanding the world
· Expressive arts and design
All seven areas of learning are used in planning children’s learning and activities.
The daily routine activities are from the EYFS Framework which includes four guiding principles
A Unique Child: Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
Positive Relationships: Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person.
Enabling Environments: The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children's development and learning.
Learning and Developing in different ways and at different rates: Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of learning and development are equally important and interconnected.
The classroom routines are extended to our outdoor environment, and are organised to teach the children through play which underpins the delivery of the entire EYFS curriculum by providing opportunities for indoors and outdoors activities. Our outdoor space is carefully planned to provide children with a range of play and learning choices through the use of; colours, symbols, language, and labelling, different items of play.
Science experiences are built into outdoor planting area and using the sand pit, nurturing and caring for living things and maintaining their natural habitat.
Mathematics and Literacy are built into our daily activities e.g. Mealtimes, tidying up when engaged with practical life skills, counting plates, cups, cutlery, table mats, colours of the objects being used for activities, mealtimes, shaping our breads for sandwiches, pouring water, emptying remnant of food into the food bin for recycling, naming all objects as they use them.
The quality of early years experiences provided at Little Acorns Montessori empowers the children to become a successful lifelong learner that is secured, embraced the world and their environment as an invitation to learn, grow, have fun and reach their full potentials through the activities they planned and carried out themselves.
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